Publishing Terms and Conditions
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Archive of the Arts and Social Sciences magazine

Issue 01 April 2004

Issue 02 May 2005

Issue 3 November 2005

Issue 04 June 2006

Issue 05 June 2007

Issue 06 January 2008

Issue 07 June 2008

Issue 08 May 2009

Issue 09 October 2009

Issue 10 December 2009

Issue, June 11, 2010

Issue 12 July 2010

Issue 13 January 2011

Issue 14 June 2011

Issue 15 July 2012

Issue 16 December 2012

Issue 17 September 2013

Journal of Arts and Social Sciences

Issue 18 June 2014

Issue 19 December 2014

Issue 20 June 2015

Issue 21 December 2015

Issue 22 June 2016

Issue 23 December 2016

Issue 24 June 2017

Issue 25 December 2017

Issue 26 volumes 15 2018

Issue 27 volumes 15 2018

Issue 28 volumes 15-2018

Issue 01 volumes 16-2019

Issue 02 volumes 16-2019

Issue 03 volumes 16-2019

Issue 04 volumes 16-2019

Issue 01 volumes 17-2020

Issue 02 volumes 17-2020

Issue 03 volume 17-2020

Issue 01 volumes 18-2021

Issue 02 volumes 18-2021

Issue 01 volumes 19-2022

Issue 02 volumes 19-2022

Issue 01 volumes 20-2023

Issue 02 volumes 20-2023

Issue 01 volumes 21-2024

Issue 02 volumes 21-2024

About the magazine


Archive PDF

About the magazine

Publishing Terms and Conditions

1. Journal of Social Sciences (Journal of Arts and Social Sciences), is a quarterly (issued every three months), peer-reviewed, and open access journal; that receives submissions of articles in Arabic, French or English language.

2. Articles submitted for publication should include the following:

• The article should be original and new. It might neither be published in other journals, nor be introduced or presented in a symposium or a scientific meeting. It should not be part of an academic research work (Master or PhD) as well.

• The researcher must adhere to the scientific methodology, which is acknowledged in the writing of research and scientific works. It should adopt scientific objectivity when raising the problem of research and its components, and adopts scientific criticism in the presentation of issues, ideas and their discussion.

• Authors should adopt a standardized methodology for arranging search and compliance elements complying with the journal’s template.

• The article should not be less than 6000 words and not more than 10,000 words, including references, margins, tables and illustrations, and pages should be numbered sequentially.

• The author should write his/her paper’s summary in the three languages
​​(Arabic, French, English), this includes a fleeting recapitulation of the subject of research, the research problem, the purpose, methodology and results of the study.

• The margins should be as follows: right 2 cm, left 2 cm, paper head 1.5 cm, bottom of sheet 2 cm, and page size cm 20 X cm 29.

• The Arabic scientific text should be written in a Microsoft Uighur font, measured 15 by 20 points between the lines, the main title is Microsoft Uighur 15 Gras, while French or English is presented in Times New Roman font, measured 10.

• The journal reserves the right not to publish two articles for the same author in the same issue or in consecutive issues of the same year.

• The paper should include an:

- Introduction: not less than 500 words, including the definition of the subject of research and identify the problem, the definition of goals and previous studies, methodology and elements.

- The research should be divided into elements arranged in a logical methodical order, indicated by the headings and sub-titles.

- Conclusion: not less than 300 words, in which the researcher lists the findings, answers to the research questions, and recommendations that foresee the prospects of his research.

• When writing the article:

- The article should be free of spelling, grammatical and linguistic mistakes.
- Compliance with the rules of writing control through:

- Respect of the starting distance of paragraphs and very long sentences.

- Do not leave a space before the individual punctuation marks (.), Comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?), and leave a space after it if followed by a word or text.

- The scientific term and the names of flags in Arabic should be mentioned once in the research and beside it then the term is in English or French when it is first delivered. It is sufficient to write it in Arabic.

- Be aware of the works included: Quranic verses, poetic texts, names of flags, tuning in the form and graduation of Hadiths and poetry verses.

- The margins and assignments in the last dumps should be placed in the automatic insertion method, with a bibliographic list inserted in alphabetical order.

3. After confirming the article's compliance with the publishing rules, this latter should be:

a. Sent to two specialized experts.

B. In the case of conflict of interest, the article is referred to a third expert.

T. When accepting the publication of the article, the author must sign the publishing contract.

W. If the article is not accepted, the author shall be notified of the decision of the editorial board.

4. The certificate of acceptance of publication shall not be submitted without the approval of the final editorial board to publish the article.

5. The publication of the articles of the Journal shall not be permitted without the approval of the Editorial Board.

Contributions are sent through the journal’s Portal:

You can inquire through the following links: